Galvanized Steel Boxes with Textile Slings

18 January, 2019

A lifting and manoeuvring solution with two evo5 automatic lifting hooks with tubular slings with metal wiring is displayed with galvanized steel boxes. Each evo5 automatic crane hook can lift up to 5,000kgs, or a little over 11,000lbs.

Each galvanized steel box section weighs approximately 1Tn, and is formed by 9 boxes. Four of these boxed sections are set-up with elebia tubular slings at each end. The elebia tubular slings carry wire rope throughout its nylon coating to ease the remote engagement of the automatic lifting hooks.

For this operation, each sling has up to 3Tn capacity. The tubular sling is light and fabricated from ultra-resistant nylon slings. This model is circular, with a wire rope running throughout the nylon-coated sling. It eases the engagement with the magnet of the elebia lifting hook for cranes (Up to 3TN). The elebia textile lifting slings can be customized in length and Working Load Limit (WLL). elebia textile lifting slings can be attracted and oriented automatically because of the metal strip within the sling.

The remote engage and release of the load keeps operators at a safe distance during the complete lifting and manoeuvring process, thanks to the fact that the orders are given via remote control.

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Elebia Autohooks S.L.U.

Plaça Pere Llauger Prim, Naus 10-11

Polígon Industrial Can Misser

08360 Canet de Mar

(Barcelona) Spain

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