Smart Shipping Containers: The Revolution of Port Industry

22 May, 2017

Smart Shipping Containers

There is no doubt that we live in an increasingly interconnected world. Traditional shipping solutions are hardly able to cope with challenging logistical demands. However, all of us are now benefiting from smart technology, and in the shipping industry, from smart shipping containers. Most of us are aware of how such methods affect our daily communications and access to information. However, smart systems have now entered into the shipping industry. Let’s see how such technology is reshaping our lives one container at a time.

Why Choose This Shipping Method?

We first need to understand how smart shipping containers function. They mainly rely upon computer-controlled technology which allows operators and other stakeholders to keep track of their location and physical condition at all times. It is actually interesting to note that many of these systems employ the very same wireless technology that is used by the typical smartphone. Having said this, there are several benefits associated with smart monitoring techniques. A handful will include:

-It is possible to know the exact physical location of the container throughout the shipping process.

-Temperatures and humidity levels can be monitored.

-Vibration and movement sensors can detect instances of theft.

-It is possible to detect trace substances such as dangerous chemicals, drugs or even explosives.

Smart Shipping Containers

However, the real “revolution” that is taking place revolves around supply chain efficiency. Smart shipping containers can be accurately tracked to within a few metres regardless of where they are. So, businesses are able to calculate when a specific product is due to arrive. This is an obvious benefit when dealing with perishable foods, sensitive equipment or very demanding time frames. Let us also not forget that a staggering 90 per cent of all commercial products are shipped by sea, so having real-time access to such important data is absolutely crucial in terms of quality control.

Containers with Smart Technology: Paving the Way Into the Future

It is estimated that more than 12 million containers are transported across the oceans of the world each and every year. So, numerous businesses are now beginning to appreciate the advantages offered by smart shipping containers. Many containers can be built to specific dimensions and depending upon their contents, innovative technological solutions can be offered by the provider. We should additionally note that as this technology becomes more commonplace, implementation costs will steadily fall. So, it will be possible for even small- to medium-sized enterprises to employ these methods in the near future.

The evolution of smart containers is indeed a revolution, for logistical accuracy has never been more of a reality. It will be quite interesting to see how these methods advance in the coming years.

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Elebia Autohooks S.L.U.

Plaça Pere Llauger Prim, Naus 10-11

Polígon Industrial Can Misser

08360 Canet de Mar

(Barcelona) Spain

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