Zurück aus den USA

3 Oktober, 2016

Elebia were present at Breakbulk Americas and we had a really good time. Our folks in the US had the chance to know our new crane hook evo2 and to see how it can improve productivity in ports and breakbulk operations. Our CEO Oscar Fillol also did a keynote speech talking precisely about how to improve productivity in ports, and if you want to know in more detail about what he talked, you can click here to see an interview the organisers made to him. If you want to know more, don’t hesitate to contact us here or to download our brochure.

Next stop Liftex Aberdeen!

breakbulk elebia

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Elebia Autohooks S.L.U.

Plaça Pere Llauger Prim, Naus 10-11

Polígon Industrial Can Misser

08360 Canet de Mar

(Barcelona) Spain

telephone logo(+34) 93 543 4706

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